The find that revealed so much. The key in the lock, a solid click as it turns and the writer gains access to what once was the treasury. The word treasury’ is now misleading, as this room (on the right hand side of the entrance porch) was used to keep any old item. It also gave access to spiral steps leading up to the bell chamber and lantern tower. Walking through this room hundreds of times led the writer to believe that the floor was unsafe as it sloped quite deeply towards the centre. One day when alone in the chamber sitting on a box the he pondered on the problem. A small section of flagstones missing in the centre of the room allowed a old carpet bamboo pole to be inserted. From this point without more explanations it was found to be an underground chamber. An attempt was made to take photographs using a mirror and rod. The same method was tried with a video camera. The resulting photographs and film were poor but good enough to show local antiquarians. The church architect recommended the hole be filled in but after some discussion it was the general opinion of interested parties that the small hole be opened up under the guidance of an archaeologist. It was filled with rubble that supported the ceiling at this position Two days later, at 4 pm on Saturday 26 January 1991, one by one we slid down thee rubble under the stone arch into the chamber. Many finds were made during the excavation by the Nene Valley team of archaeologists, now displayed in a glass cabinet in the church. The greatest find was thousands of pieces of stained and painted glass that had been taken from the windows of the church about 1830. Although much of the glass had been either sold or taken away enough remained to form a collage in a three light window by York Minster glass department in the sextons room oft he upper of the three story entrance porch displayed below. To get some idea of the extent of the debris the chamber was full to where the writer stands on the new wooden staircase now the way into the chamber. The original stone steps can be seen to the left. A white line can be seen running down the wall from the top step. This is the line of the top of the heap of debris which was supporting the floor in the treasury above.
It is also the writers opinion that the room was used as the masons lodge when William Horwood a Freemason built the new nave of the church in 1434 which is the only part remaining today. More details can be found on the front page of this site Fotheringhay & Michael Lee.

Michael has been researching and writing about Fotheringhay and other subjects for many years. A member of Fotheringhay ringing team who donated the plaque on Henry Penn Walk Peterborough. He is also the keeper of the bells and wonderful lantern tower. He has worked on restoration there on a number of items and during this period was responsible for bringing back the sound of bells to this great building. Michael also gives talks on the history of Fotheringhay and its church (when one can visit the Secret Room above) and would be pleased to give talks on his other research projects. This could be in the church or a location of your own preference. A talk in Fotheringhay church seating 150 £130. Proceeds to Fotheringhay's general repairs.

Revelations Chapter one.mp3
Press the small arrow above left. To hear Alexander Scourby, reading the final words of the Holy Bible.
Not only is the King James Bible in good condition but the box it came in is shown below.

Strictly copyright. Please note that all items on this site are strictly copyright. Any request for their use must be made to Michael Lee [email protected] The photograph of Fotheringhay church above and those displayed in the Secret Room belong to Christopher Puddephatt-